揚?瑟德爾布羅姆于1970年代出生在一個音樂世家。在成為職業指揮之前,他是“新赫爾辛基四重奏” (1982-2001)樂隊里的小提琴手。期間他們這個樂隊獲得過芬蘭維塔薩里大賽獎(Viitasaari)、布拉格小協奏曲大賽獎(Concertino Praga)和倫敦弦樂四重奏大賽(London String Quartet Competition)二等獎。自此,他們的樂隊開始到世界各地著名的音樂廳大力巡回演出,其中包括倫敦威格摩爾音樂廳(Wigmore Hall)、阿姆斯特丹國家音樂廳(Concertgebouw in Amsterdam)和柏林音樂廳(Konzerthaus in Berlin)。作為一名出色的小提琴手,瑟德爾布羅姆曾與多個芬蘭交響樂團及瑞典和挪威的廣播交響樂團、日本愛樂交響樂團等同臺演奏。他還曾被多個交響樂團特約為第一小提琴手,并與薩爾斯堡室內樂團(Camerata Salzburg)和挪威室內樂團(Norwegian Chamber Orchestra)同臺演出。
1997年至2001年,瑟德爾布羅姆在芬蘭西貝柳斯音樂學院學習指揮期間與芬蘭及許多頂級的交響樂團密切合作,曾指揮過芬蘭廣播交響樂團、赫爾辛基愛樂交響樂團(Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra)、蘇格蘭室內樂團(Scottish Chamber Orchestra)、西班牙RTVE交響樂團(Orquesta RTVE)、德國西北愛樂樂團(Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie)和丹麥國立廣播交響樂團(Danish National Chamber Orchestra)。
2001至2008年,瑟德爾布羅姆擔任芬蘭拉彭蘭塔市城市交響樂(Lappeenranta City Orchestra)的藝術總監。2012年秋,他被指定為芬蘭波里市城市交響樂團指揮(Pori City Orchestra)。他還曾是多個芬蘭音樂節的藝術總監。目前,他負責芬蘭勞馬藝術節(Festivo Rauma)。
JAN S?DERBLOM, Conductor
Jan S?derblom was born into a family of musicians in Helsinki in 1970.Before his career as conductor took off, S?derblom performed as a violinist, mainly with New Helsinki Quartet (1982-2001). After the quartet won competitions of Viitasaari, Concertino Praga and second prize in the London String Quartet Competition, they toured widely and performed in e.g. Wigmore Hall, Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and Konzerthaus in Berlin. As a soloist he has shared the stage with several Finnish orchestras as well as e.g. Swedish and Norwegian Radio Orchestras, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra and many others. S?derblom has played as guest concertmaster for several orchestras and joined e.g. Camerata Salzburg and the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra on stage.
Conductor studies at Sibelius Academy (1997-2001) led to intensive projects with Finnish as well as other top orchestras. S?derblom has since conducted e.g. Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Orquesta RTVE, Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie and Danish National Chamber Orchestra.
During 2001-2008 S?derblom served as Artistic Director of Lappeenranta City Orchestra. In fall 2012 S?derblom was appointed the conductor of Pori City Orchestra. S?derblom has been the Artistic Director of several Finnish music festivals; these days he is in charge of Festivo Rauma.
In his free time Jan loves to sail and spend time with his 3 children.
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