麗貝卡·路澤曼(2001年生)從兩歲開始就參加艾斯堡音樂學院的音樂樂趣班。2007年,她開始在同一音樂學院的學習小提琴,師從格拉辛娜?澤郎卡-耶貝特老師。她在小小年紀就獲得過許多比賽獎項,如:芬蘭“Tukiainen小提琴比賽”一等獎;愛沙尼亞“塔林國際青少年音樂大賽”一等獎和芬蘭The Pro Musica音樂基金會頒發的榮譽獎。
Rebecca Roozeman, Violin
Rebecca Roozeman (b.2001) started her music studies in music playschool at age of two. 2007 she started to play violin at the Espoo music institute in with Grazyna Zeranska.
Despite of her early age she has succeeded in competitions: 1. prize in the Tukiainen violin Competition , Finland, 1. prize in the international ‘Young Musician’-competition in Tallinn, Estonia and Pro Musica- grant.
Rebecca has performed among other places at he Haapsalu International String Festival, Estonia, Oulaisten Festival and in Nijmegen (Netherlands). She has performed as a soloist the Tapiola Sinfonietta, Tapiola Youth Symphony Orchestra and Finnish radio Symphony Orchestra,
Rebecca loves to walk her neighbour′s dog and red colour. She can ski very fast.
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